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Updated 2025 Rates:



Acupuncture First Visit and Consult (1.5-2hrs): $275

Electroacupuncture Follow-up Visit: $200
Follow up Acupuncture Visit (45min-1hr): $165

PEMF treatment whole body HORSE: $95/treatment

PEMF whole body treatment DOG or CAT : $65/treatment

Addition of PEMF or Laser during an acupuncture treatment is $20 for dogs or cats.

Laser Treatment (There is an exam fee ($75) with the first visit if new patient): $40/treatment (10-20 mins)

Travel fee may apply if out of area: $25-$50

In home Hospice/Palliative/Quality of life visit: $250

In home Consult/Herbal Consult: $250

Follow up Consult/Recheck: $150

In home Euthanasia visit: $380 + after care





In office visits (located in Enumclaw):

Acupuncture First Visit and Consult:  $225

Acupuncture Follow-up Visit: $130

MagnaWave PEMF: $60-75

Wellness Exam:$75




Purchase 4 acupuncture sessions and receive a 10% discount.


Purchase 5 MagnaWave PEMF sessions and get a 6th one free.





Payment is due at time of service. We happily accept Cash, Check,  Venmo or Paypal.  Sound Animal Wellness can accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover with a 3% swipe/processing fee.


When we are providing mobile care please allow a 15 min window for our arrival time to account for traffic, etc.  If we will be more than 15 minutes late then we will let you know. 


Please request prescription and herb refills 7 days before you will run out of medication. 

If herbs are ordered for the patient. Payment is due prior to ordering and most of the time they will ship directly to your house. 


If you cancel an appointment 48hr or less there will be a $45 missed appointment fee. 

If you cancel an appointment less than 24hrs notice there is $90 missed appointment fee.

If we are en route or have arrived at your house and there is a no show or cancel the full amount for the appointment is due. 


We can respond to text, email and phones calls during business hours. We are closed Sat, Sun, Wed and all Holidays. 

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